Friday, 31 January 2014

Simple Tartiflette

This delicious and easy tartiflette recipe is an excellent winter warmer. I would just like to say that although it is quick to prepare, it does require a slightly longer cooking time! This recipe will feed three people, with good sized portions. It's really easy to make the dish for more though, just bulk up the ingredients. 

- 4 large waxy potatoes e.g. Maris Piper
- 150 ml double cream
- 150 ml chicken stock 
- 8 shallots (use two large onions if you are short of time)
- 1 garlic clove
- 200g reblochon cheese
- 1x pack of lardons, around 100g (optional)
- Olive oil
- Mixed salad to serve on the side

- 1 x large mixing bowl
- 1 x frying pan
- 1 x iron casserole dish (size depends on how many you are cooking for)

Now, here's what to do...

  • Pre heat the oven to 200 degrees celsius. 
  • Cut the shallots/onions and dice the garlic.
  • Put the shallots/onions and garlic in a frying pan, drizzle with a splash of olive oil and soften over a low heat (you do not want to brown the shallots/onions). After ten minutes, add the lardons if being used.
  • Peel the potatoes, cut into equally sized cubes and put into the mixing bowl.
  • Prepare the chicken stock and mix with the double cream.
  • Cut the rind off the cheese, trying to keep it as one large piece. Cut the remaining cheese into long, thin strips. Put the cheese, including the rind, to one side.
  • Once the shallots/onions and garlic are softened and the lardons are slightly cooked add them to the mixing bowl and mix with the potatoes.
  • Put the mixture into your casserole dish and evenly pour the cream and chicken stock over the top.
  • Using the rind and the strips of cheese place them on top of the potato mixture, forming a lid BUT leave some gaps to allow the cheese to melt together.
  • Stick the casserole dish in the oven and cook for between 45 minutes and 1 hour, or until the cheese on top is slightly browned and the potatoes are soft inside. 
  • Serve with a handful or mixed leaf salad on the side and dress if desired. 

This might be slightly time consuming to cook but its really easy to prepare and once it's in the oven it doesn't require much attention until cooked! It works perfectly both as a dish on its own or as an accompaniment to meat or fish. 

I hope you enjoy it!

Scrambled Eggs with a Twist

This recipe is a classic with a new look! It works perfectly for breakfast, lunch and even a light dinner! 

- 2 medium free range eggs
- A handful of cherry tomatoes (about 25g)
- 2 slices of bread (I use Gluten Free but the bread is down to your preference)
- Butter
- Marmite

- 1 x non stick saucepan

Now, here's what do....

  • Cut the tomatoes in half and in half again and put them into a pan.
  • Turn the heat on under the pan and crack your two eggs into the pan.
  • Mix the eggs and tomatoes together.
  • While the eggs are cooking, put your two slices of bread in the toaster but make sure you are keeping an eye on your eggs as they cook quickly!
  • Using a fork or a wooden spoon keep mixing the eggs together to make sure they don't stick to the pan.
  • When they are cooked take them off the heat.
  • Take your toast out the toaster and layer with a generous amount of butter and then some marmite.
  • Put your eggs on top of the toast and enjoy!

As we all know, marmite is a 'love it' or 'hate it' kinda spread so feel free to skip out the marmite and have more traditional scrambled eggs with tomatoes!

Thursday, 23 January 2014

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Chicken Pesto Salad

This meal is so quick and easy to make and can be adapted in any number of ways!


- 1 x chicken breast (if you are making this for more than one person, use one chicken breast per person)
- 1 x jar of green pesto
- 1 x 200g pot of creme fraiche
- Iceberg lettuce
- Cherry tomatoes (optional)
- Vinegar for dressing (optional)

- 1 x medium mixing bowl
- 1 x frying pan 

Now, here's what do...

  • Put a splash of oil into a frying pan and heat.
  • While the pan is heating, cut the chicken breast into cubes.
  • Cook the chicken for 10-15 mins, or until it is cooked through and browned on the outside.
  • While the chicken is cooking, wash the lettuce and tomatoes (if using) and leave to drain.
  • In a bowl, mix together one tablespoon of pesto and one tablespoon of creme fraiche.
  • When your chicken is cooked, turn the heat off and leave it to cool for a minute or so.
  • Put the lettuce in a bowl to create a bed for the chicken. Add tomatoes if desired.
  • Pour the chicken onto the salad bed.
  • Using a large spoon, put a dollop of the pesto and creme fraiche sauce over the chicken.
  • For some added flavour, dress with vinegar.

For something a little different, try using a mixed salad bed or cooking salmon instead of chicken. 


Thursday, 16 January 2014

Skinny Salmon 'Burger' and Sugar Snap Chips

This quick and easy recipe was something I came up with while wandering around my kitchen, thinking about what to have for dinner!

The skinny salmon 'burger' and chips is perfect for lunch, dinner or whenever you feel like a quick bite to eat. 


-2 x small salmon fillets - my preference is Tesco salmon as it is reasonably priced and the fillets are the perfect size for the burger.
-Gluten free bread (the gluten free is optional - of course. If you prefer not to use gluten free bread then I recommend fresh multi-seed brown bread.)
-Cream cheese
-Sweet chilli dipping sauce
-Fresh sugar snaps

Now, here's what to do...

  • Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees celsius. 
  • While the oven is heating, get all your ingredients out, ready to use.
  • Place the two salmon fillets on a baking tray and cook for 20 minutes or until the salmon is pink and flakey.
  • While the salmon is cooking, wash the sugar snaps and leave them to drain.
  • When the salmon is nearly cooked, pop two pieces of bread into the toaster and toast until slightly brown, or to your preference.
  • Spread both pieces of toast with a generous dollop of cream cheese.
  • Pour some sweet chilli sauce onto one slice of toast and spread. I like a lot of sauce but this is of course down to personal preference! 
  • Flake up the salmon and distribute it over the slide of toast with the sweet chilli on.
  • Place the other piece of bread on top and press down for a couple of seconds.
  • Serve with a big handful of sugar snaps and a dollop of humus.

This recipe is so adaptable, for example by adding some salad into the 'burger' or cooking the sugar snaps in a bit of salt and oil. In fact, for my recipe I used red pepper humus for a bit of extra flavour!
