Friday, 31 January 2014

Scrambled Eggs with a Twist

This recipe is a classic with a new look! It works perfectly for breakfast, lunch and even a light dinner! 

- 2 medium free range eggs
- A handful of cherry tomatoes (about 25g)
- 2 slices of bread (I use Gluten Free but the bread is down to your preference)
- Butter
- Marmite

- 1 x non stick saucepan

Now, here's what do....

  • Cut the tomatoes in half and in half again and put them into a pan.
  • Turn the heat on under the pan and crack your two eggs into the pan.
  • Mix the eggs and tomatoes together.
  • While the eggs are cooking, put your two slices of bread in the toaster but make sure you are keeping an eye on your eggs as they cook quickly!
  • Using a fork or a wooden spoon keep mixing the eggs together to make sure they don't stick to the pan.
  • When they are cooked take them off the heat.
  • Take your toast out the toaster and layer with a generous amount of butter and then some marmite.
  • Put your eggs on top of the toast and enjoy!

As we all know, marmite is a 'love it' or 'hate it' kinda spread so feel free to skip out the marmite and have more traditional scrambled eggs with tomatoes!

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