Sunday, 23 March 2014

Sunday Brunch

It's Sunday and to me, that means one thing, brunch! 

My flatmates and I decided to have a homemade brunch today before we all go back home for the Easter Break. We did the classic cooked breakfast with bacon, beans and sausages as well as toast with spreads and some yummy fruit! Being vegan I didn't have any of the meat but I had toast with peanut butter and banana followed by some fruit. I am writing this post having just eaten and I am very full so for any vegans out there, don't worry, brunch is still the best. Of course we also had juice, coffee and tea. We even had fresh coffee! 

I am sure you all know how to cook brunch and have your own preferences regarding what you make with it, so, this is going to be it for this post except for some photos of our delicious brunch!

Happy Sunday and enjoy!

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