Monday, 14 April 2014

My Top Ten Vegan Essentials!

Having been a vegan now for almost two months, I thought it was time to post my top ten vegan essentials. These are the items that I turn to almost daily and couldn't do without. So, here they are...

From left to right:

Broccoli - loaded with essential nutrients and great as part of a meal or in a smoothie. I prefer long stem broccoli and purple sprouting broccoli is the king of broccoli, but all broccoli is delicious! 

Fruit and nut mix - nuts are full of protein, so a key ingredient in a vegan diet. Dried fruit retains most of the nutritional value of fresh fruit, making it a great source of vitamins, such as Vitamin A and fibre.

Sweet chilli dipping sauce - I don't think there are any particular health benefits to this but it's just really yummy and spices up dishes like soup or works as a snack with a rice cake. 

Porridge oats - the perfect breakfast ingredient! It provides a slow release of energy, is filling and helps to reduce cholesterol. I have recently started putting them in smoothies too and baking with them.

Agave - totally natural and is the perfect sweet addition to tea, porridge, smoothies and baking.

Flaxseed mix - a really essential source of protein and other nutrients such as omega-3. I often have it in my smoothies but it's also great in muffins or other baked goods!

Lentils - lentils form the base of a lot of my meals, especially dinner. They are really versatile and can be eaten hot or cold. They are also packed with protein which makes them really key to any vegan diet.

Mint tea - aids digestion and is a great warm drink throughout the day.

Bananas - they are a great source of vitamins and can be used in so many ways. I eat them as they are, add them to cakes and bread or put them in a smoothie. 

Sweet Potato - contain essential vitamins, such as B6, C and D, as well as iron and magnesium as well as providing a crucial source of carbohydrate.  They can be mashed up to form the base of burger patties, cut up to make chips or baked whole as an alternative to the traditional baked potato.